Wednesday 30 March 2011

10 Major Events in the story.

1. The Koreans were forced to change their names to Japanese.

2. The Olympics race, where Sohn Kee Chung, a Korean, was reported Kitei Son of Japan.

3. Sun-hee was awarded top student in kanji, and was called a chin-il-pa.

4. Neighbourhood accountings, when Mrs. Ahn could not count in japanese.

5. Tae-Yul's bicycle was taken away by the Japanese soldiers.

6. Uncle working for the resistance.

7. The soldiers searched their house, where they found Sun-Hee's diary and burnt it. 

8. Tae-Yul writing letters to his family about his training in Seoul.

9. Tae-yul becoming a kamikaze.

10. Tae-yul was not dead and returned home.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Progress Checklist - WEEK 1

What we aim to achieve:
1. Finalize events for picturebook.
2. Decide on the characters we want for our picturebook.
3. Different assignments for individual members.
4. Draft of story.

We have completed:
1. Confirmed 3 major events.
2. Decided on the roles.

What we were unable to complete:
1. The sketches of character.
2. The sketches of settings
3. The draft of the story.

Areas we want to improve on or change/remove:

Things we will bring in the next lesson:
1. A4 size paper
2. Pencils
3. Colour pencils
4. Markers